
Amazing Facts About the English

Amazing Facts About the English

Amazing fact about the English -


1. ' I'   is the most commonly used word in English. It is the shortest and oldest word in English.


2. 11% of the entire English language is just the letter ' E '.


3. The most common adjective used in English is ' good '.


4. The most commonly used noun is ' time '

5. English is the official language of 67 countries.

6. Swims will be swims even when turned upside down.

7. A pangram or holoalphabetic sentence is one that contains every letter in the language. 

 '  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. '


8. There are few words that published in the dictionary because of printing errors. These are ghost words that means nothing.


1. Dord

2. Abacot


9. ' Long time, no see ' is a literal translation of a Chinese phrase.

10. India has a higher English speaking population than United Kingdom.

11. ' Queue ' is the only word in English in which 80% of its letters are useless.

12. ' Pronunciation ' is the word which is most mispronounced in the English.

13. English is the language of the air. All pilots speak in English on international flights it doesn't matter which country they are from.

14. The word ' Girl ' was not initially used to refer to a specific gender. It used to means child or young person.


15. The most difficult tongue twister in the English is ' sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick '.

16. A new word is added to the dictionary in every two hours.


17. Around 4,000 new words are added to the English dictionary every year.


18. ' Go '  is the shortest grammatically correct sentence in English.

19. The two most common words in English are I and you.

20. The word happy is used three times more often in English than sad


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